The ProjectU Collegiate Beach Clinics and Showcases are about connecting athletes with college coaches who have the ability to take your game to the next level. This event is located at Montrose Beach, located at 4400 N Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL 60640. Each event is open to all athletes who are committed to understanding themselves and moving ahead as a beach volleyball player, and per NCAA rules, this event is open to any and all entrants limited only by age, gender, grade, or number.
“Each year we have ventured to bring leading edge ideas and training to beach volleyball and our beach clinics. With top college coaches in one location, this event will be a major opportunity for young athletes. It will be a point for athletes in real time to learn next level concepts, showcase their skills and potentially, change the direction of their future in beach volleyball. ” -Stephen McCarthy. Director, TMP Beach Volleyball
This is a great opportunity for players. The ProjectU Schedule:
Day 1 Beach Clinic
9am-11am Introductions, Warmup and On-court Drills with Coaches
11am-12pm Coaches Panel (Off Court): Coaches answer your questions, subjects to include; how to get recruited in beach, best practices for skill development, how to get connected to the beach community when there is no beach club in your area, among others
12pm-1pm Lunch, not included in event fee
1pm-3pm: On-court Drills with Coaches
Day 2 Showcase Tournament
8am Player meeting
8:15am Tournament start
Read more about it below, or check out the signup details now.