BVNE National Player Ratings

BVNE now offers player ratings based on the quality and size of the event you play in! Ratings are awarded based on the number of ranked players in your division. So you can’t just get lucky if your division is small. To earn a rating you have to earn it based on the competition!

So what are ratings and how are they earned? Players can earn ratings in each of the major age groups from 12 to 18’s. To earn a rating, the division you play in must have enough players, and the higher ratings players in your division have, the higher rating will be awarded.
So if you have 10 teams and everyone has their A, the winners could receive or renew their A rating, or earn a AA, depending on how many players you played against. The more players or the higher the ratings of each player, the higher the rating awarded for winning.
Ratings, combined with points earned also help make seeding more accurate too. At BVNE, all events are seeded by VolleyballLife, and adding ratings will help keep everything fair, and also let everyone know what kind of competition they are up against.

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