Kauai Bikini 2023 West Coast National Championship

Sign up here: https://bvne.volleyballlife.com/tournament/7256?tab=information

Important Dates: July 27th-28thth Santa Monica, CA

Directions: Santa Monica 1200 PCH (also known as North Beach) Kauai Bikini National Championships

Regardless of what age division you won in you must “Play Your Age”. If you won in bid in the 12U division and you or your partner will be 13 years old the day of the event you will need to sign up in the 13U division. 

BID NEEDED TO PLAY, in this particular event: If you earned a bid and need the bid number you can email daron@teamwave.net. If you need a bid we do consider at large bids upon request.


You must have a BVNE membership to compete. If your membership has expired click on this link to update your membership. 


I understand that, upon registration, I am guaranteed a spot in which full team refunds will be granted only until July 1st, 2023 (see refund policy). After this point, entry will be non-refundable. I also understand that all players must be no older than the division they are playing in the day of the event. Finally, I understand that player information provided shall be made available to college coaches, as part of BVNE’s service to connect colleges and players. 

Day of Tournament Layout:

Upon check in all athletes will receive a Kauai Bikini top & bottom. OR two bottoms, OR two tops.

Times and court assignments can CHANGE. Make sure you check Volleyballlife for the most updated schedule.

Day 1 Pool Play:

  • Check in @ 8am
  • Morning meeting @ 845
  • 9 am start time
  • Afternoon pools may be created to accommodate more teams. Times are subject to change!
  • Pool play matches to 21. If a third game is needed to 15 no cap win by 2.


All reffing teams are responsible for entering live score on a cell phone through volleyballlife. One person from each reffing team will need to have a cell phone charged, and ready to go.

Reffing link, find your pools in the menu in this link: https://bvne.volleyballlife.com/tournament/7256?tab=information

Day 2 Playoffs:

All teams will play day 2 single elimination FIRST ROUND ONLY match play to 21, no cap, win by 2.

After the 1st round of playoffs all games will be one game to 21.

Playoffs will be posted in volleyball Life after all pools have been finished.

On day 2 make sure you report to your assigned court, for reffing duty, 30 min prior to the match. All teams have 10 min after the scheduled start time before a forfeit will be issued.  This will be smooth fi everyone follows Volleyball Life and reports promptly to the correct courts. If you are waiting for a team, you must report it to the front desk so we can start the clock.

Depending on the number of teams we will have the following breakdowns for playoffs:

If there are 26 teams or less the following will be the breakdown:

4 team pools will advance to the following playoff rounds

  • 1st & 2nd to GOLD.
  • 3rd & 4th to SILVER

5 team pools will advance to the following playoff rounds

  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd to GOLD
  • 4th & 5th to SILVER

More than 27 teams in your age division:

4 team pools will advance to the following playoff rounds

  • 1st to GOLD
  • 2nd to SILVER
  • 3rd to BRONZE
  • 4th to COPPER

5 team pools will advance to the following playoff rounds

  • 1st & 2nd to GOLD
  • 3rd to SILVER
  • 4th to BRONZE
  • 5th to COPPER

Center court finals with video for all GOLD divisions with medals, prizes & photos & a special tropical theme presented by the owner Kauai Bikini Jay!

Refund Policy:

NO refunds after July 1st or the tournament is sold out whichever comes first. Pools are subject to change up to the day of the event. Refunds are less credit card fees and a $35.00 processing fee.

How to Qualify:

  • This is a bid only event for girls 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, & 18U
  • Play in one of our BVNE BID Qualifiers.
  • Starting from the SUMMER of 2021 season.
  • All players must have a BVNE membership.
  • This is a BVNE “Play Your Age” Event. An athlete can always move up but never move down in BVNE.

Where to fly into:

  • You will want to fly into LAX. The tournament site is located about 15 minutes away.
  • Hotel Link: www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/bvnevolleyballrooms2022/
  • More hotel info: There are a number of local hotels and Hilton offers a variety of rooms in all price ranges and distances. Be sure to check it now and book sooner then later!

When will the tournament end? :

  • Each division will have a different set time for playoffs. Please be advised that these times are subject to change and are just an estimated time.
  • 10U and 12U division play on center court first with the rest of the divisions following.
  • 16U and 18U will play last on center court.
  • Day 2 will end depending on the number of teams signed up.
  • The closer we get to the event we will give more information on times, but plan on ending after 1pm all the way up to 3-4pm. 

*Make sure to subscribe to our social media accounts for up to date information:

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