Beach Volleyball National Events is a unique organization. We are much less concerned with structure and dollar amounts, and much more concerned with the success of our players and what a sponsor can do to help.
BVNE is supported by many organizations and we wouldn’t be able to provide affordable events for our players if it wasn’t for our sponsors. It might be supplies needed to operate events, equipment, back office items, and especially prizes for our players. Our goal is to provide quality events to our customers, and help bring transparency to our events along the way through complete online records players can use for evaluation and college recruiting purposes.
If you have ever sponsored a beach volleyball event before, forget what you have seen. BVNE events are organized and time efficient. Our players don’t wait in long lines, or spend hours waiting for their next game, or for playoffs to start. We want our players to have a good day with us.
Opportunities to sponsor BVNE
We operate many events in many locations. Our primary location is Santa Monica where our events primarily operate out of. Our affiliates also operate events across the country.
BVNE operates four sets of events:
- College recruiting showcase tournaments that draw national and international players and their families
- The Kauai Bikini Tournament series which is often paired with the college recruiting events, drawing players from San Diego to San Francisco for regular events and nationally from larger events
- The BVNE Club & High School series draws local players from San Diego to San Francisco
- BVNE affiliates operate bid award events in a growing number of states
- We also operate special events for our sponsors.
The most visible of our events is the college recruiting showcases. These are operated as single day events where players, parents, and often extended families, come to spend the day on the beach. Four times a year people will travel from 15-20 different states, provinces, territories, and often other countries to attend. Each event draws between 100-300 players, and each player brings one to two people along with them. We often see three generations of families on the beach.
These events are held in Santa Monica, usually just north of the pier. While winter foot traffic may be slower, summer foot traffic passing by our event on the strand measures at least a thousand a day.
According to AAB Outdoor Media, local beaches near the Santa Monica pier, for their advertising programs covering the entire beach, measure in the millions of impressions per year. BVNE is on one of the most busy beaches in southern California.
Join our ever growing family of organizations that have helped BVNE build successful players and great memories for them too!
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